
Android 12 — 5 big upgrades that change Android phones forever

Android 12 — 5 large upgrades that change Android phones forever

Android 12
(Paradigm credit: Futurity)

The changes in Android 12 are pretty massive. In fact, this is the biggest upgrade to Android since 2014'due south Lollipop update.

The kickoff beta for the software update is bachelor now and we already accept a quick guide on how to install Android 12. If y'all own a supported Pixel, the process is quite unproblematic and painless. In a few minutes, yous can try out Android 12 for yourself and marvel at the new look for Google's phone software.

  • Android 12: Everything y'all need to know
  • How to change the Fabric You color in Android 12
  • Plus: Android 12 is taking privacy seriously with a new dashboard and more than

My total Android 12 impressions are coming shortly, but I wanted to take some time to walk you through the five biggest changes you lot'll find when you lot finally become Android 12 on your phone later this year. We anticipate a full Android 12 release arriving around September, based on the timeline Google's shared.

Android 12 lock screen

Google has inverse up Android'south lock screen for the start fourth dimension in a very long while. Information technology adapts to what you have pending — if there are no notifications, you'll see a big, centered clock. But if you have items waiting for y'all, the clock will movement up and to the left to make way for upcoming tasks and alerts. It's a really neat wait, and the Always-on Display (AOD) feature also reflects this alter and behavior.

Android 12 interface

(Image credit: Google)

Honestly, I love the new lock screen, especially when in that location are no new notifications to contend with. The huge clock is really nice to easily see at a glance — especially in AOD. Having the engagement and atmospheric condition info in the top left corner also looks really sharp.

Android 12 notification shade

We've seen subtle changes to the Android'due south staple notification shade for years, just Google has actually stirred things upwards with Android 12. This earth-shaking center to see and act upon your notifications gets a significant face lift.

Android 12 interface

(Image credit: Google)

The notification shade now features a more rounded look, more than than we've seen in previous Android 12 builds. Each detail is amassed together based on category (Conversations, Notifications, Silent), simply it's done then quite well. The shade doesn't feel cluttered at all, even when you have several items pending.

I wasn't a fan of the revamped notification shade when I first saw it during the Google I/O keynote, but the change quickly grew on me. The updated notification shade uses space more than efficiently than extra padding between each item. And if you lot favor smaller devices, like the Pixel five, it'due south important to use your screen space wisely. The new shade adds a lot of polish to something then critical to Android'southward workflow.

Android 12 Quick Settings

Google IO 2021 Android 12

(Prototype credit: Google)

Quick Settings has gotten a huge redesign from the bubbles we've been used to for so long. They're now rounded rectangles in your accent color of selection with full labels.

Google mentioned specific buttons for GPay (that's Google Pay) and Dwelling house, too, though I haven't seen them yet in the get-go beta. It's definitely a new look for the toggles menu.

I'm quite ambivalent on this change. On the one hand, the shapes and colors experience cartoony. Then once again, the outcome looks quite prissy and I like the much larger buttons. The extra space allows for the bigger labels, telling you what network you're connected to and all that. Even the brightness slider got retouched.

Android 12 Settings

Even the Settings menu has gotten a redesign in Android 12. Each bill of fare has a large, colored icon and a clear label in a large font. In that location's non a whole lot else to say about this particular enhancement, but you will detect information technology when you try out Android 12 for yourself.

Android 12 settings

(Epitome credit: Google)

I'm once again torn on this new visual. The Settings bill of fare looks really nice, but it too feels a bit cartoony and a bit too much similar Samsung's One UI skin for my gustatory modality. I do like the bigger labels, though. Something about it only looks good.

Android 12 Material You

Google IO 2021 Android 12

(Image credit: Google)

Ever since Android v.0 Lollipop fashion back in 2014 (with the Nexus 6), Google has named its pattern language Material Design. The give-and-take "cloth" has stuck effectually and Google calls the new iteration Material Yous. Yeah, that'due south a little corny, just the point is to assist you brand your phone feel like it'southward truly yours.

Some changes will exist subtle, like widgets and system elements tweaking their colour palettes based on your wallpaper. Others look to be more than straight, like the changes we've talked nigh higher up.

Overall, Fabric You is apparently even so a work in progress, since the first Android 12 beta is missing some of the new features at this point. (We're expecting plenty of updates to the beta over the summer.) Only I similar where Google is going and I'm excited to run into where we terminate up with the final Android 12 release later on this yr.

  • More than: Android 12 will let you start your car with a digital fundamental

Jordan is the Phones Editor for Tom'due south Guide, covering all things phone-related. He's written most phones for over five years and plans to continue for a long while to come. He loves nothing more than than relaxing in his abode with a volume, game, or his latest personal writing projection. Jordan likes finding new things to swoop into, from books and games to new mechanical keyboard switches and fun keycap sets. Jordan tends to lurk on social media, merely you can all-time reach him on Twitter.


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